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Latest news about NEOCIf you enjoy the fresh Maine air as much as we do, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter. While we haven’t figured out how to send the fresh air scent by e-mail, we do think you will enjoy what we have to offer.

To receive the latest information and specials from the New England Outdoor Center, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter.

At New England Outdoor Center we offer everything you need for an unforgettable outdoor adventure. From time to time, we also offer special discounted rates on our whitewater rafting trips, snowmobile adventures and Maine lodging. We also share exclusive offers for play and stay packages with accommodations at our new green lodging, the Coveside Guest Houses.

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You will receive information once or twice a month and you will always have the option to unsubscribe at anytime.

We also have Facebook page that keeps our “fans” up-to-date on the most recent weather and information to help you plan your next trip to NEOC.

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